Monday, February 21, 2011

{February 21, 2011}

mmmmm...Lemon Verbana. I swear, I could smell this stuff all day and never grow tired of it. I was introduced to Mrs. Meyers cleaning supplies from the lovely women of Ravelry and ended up buying some online as I couldn't find it locally. I went with all Lemon Verbana and purchased the window cleaner, countertop spray, bar soap, laundry detergent, dryer sheets (which ran out and I miss terribly), and this yummy air freshening spray. Later, when I ran across Mrs. Meyers at Target, I added the all-purpose cleaner to my supplies. Whenever I want to make the house feel "spring-y" I whip out the spray and mist every room, sniffing as I go. I'm super sensitive to smells, but this one is nice and light without being overpowering. And although there is still a ton of snow on the ground and I'm not yet able to open the windows to let the breeze in, I can pretend that spring is right outside the door...if only until the scent fades.

On to the pic...{click to view full size}

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