Friday, February 18, 2011

{February 18, 2011}

Do you SEE that?! It's the GROUND! Well, technically it's our patio and mat (and a leaf that's been there since October), but's the closest thing I've seen to our ground in over two months (if not longer). This may not seem like such a big deal to most, but when your area has received record breaking amounts of snow and you have piles of it over 4' deep, seeing even an inkling of "what was" is exciting. Course it's supposed to get cold and possibly snow again this weekend and next week...naturally. Plus all of this melting snow and ice is leaving tons of puddles all over the paths we walk and in the driveway, making it even more difficult and nasty to do daily chores. And although I realize that it's highly likely this small opening in the ice will soon be covered up, for now I'm pretending that warmer weather will soon be the norm, rather than the exception, and I will see the ground (uncovered completely) again.

On to the pic...{click to view full size}

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