Thursday, June 30, 2011

{June 30, 2011}

A little while ago, one of the gals on the Ravelry Project 365 group came up with the idea of having a swap between those of us participating on the board. We were each assigned a name and asked to include various items in the package, and then mail our stuff out by a certain date. My box arrived from Cumbria earlier this month, but we had all agreed to wait until June 30th to open our items. After unwrapping the brown paper, I found a box loaded with goodies! There was much ooh'ing and aah'ing over the beautiful handknit flowers (okay, I may have gone a bit overboard in telling my family how much I love them), some squealing over the sheep magnet, a bit of drooling over the chocolate, lots of petting of the lovely yarn, and even more "awwww'ing" over the super sweet card and gorgeous photos. And, as if that weren't enough, my swap partner also gave me some nicely scented soap, some awesome lotion, and cute little buttons. I.was.spoiled!! I LOVE it ALL and can't thank my amazing swap partner enough!!

(And I'm truly hoping that the person I sent stuff to loves her items as well!)

Taken with my iPhone using the Camera+ app.

On to the pic...{click to view full size}

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