Thursday, June 02, 2011

{June 2, 2011}

Tonight Ian had his spring orchestra/band/choir concert--the last of the year. As always I left my big camera at home because I've learned that 1.) Ian will never be sitting where I can see him unless I perform some amazing feats of acrobatics, and 2.) these concerts are looooooong...and I don't want to stand for 40 minutes while the orchestra performs (the entire thing usually lasts over 2 hours). Yes, I'm lazy...yes, I know this. Anyways, I couldn't help but notice this jacket and found myself staring at all the zigging and zagging and just plain insanity going on. Now, I have seen some busy clothing before--I grew up in the late 70's and 80's for crying out loud--but this...this is pushing it to the next level. The pic doesn't do it justice (gym lighting), yet I think you can get a feel for what I mean.

Taken with my iPhone

On to the pic...{click to view full size}

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