Tuesday, May 24, 2011

{May 24, 2011}

One of these things is not like the other...one of these things just doesn't belong. Except in this case, I would soooo adopt her (him?) in a heartbeat! This little turkey showed up around 4:15'ish today and hung out with the guineas until after 8. It was tough getting photographs of her as I couldn't go outside w/out scaring the poor bird back in to the woods, so I was forced to shoot from indoors. I did notice, however, that she got a bit more brave when she realized I had thrown out some tasty food for the guineas. Granted, she didn't get anywhere near me, yet she no longer disappeared the moment she caught sight of me. Still, I wasn't about to chance bringing out the camera which meant I was left with whatever I could get from inside the house. I have named her, Lucille after the mother in Arrested Development. Not because she seemed rude, or drunk, but mainly because every time she tried to "make friends" with the guineas, they would get scared off and back away from her. I'm hoping Lucille comes back regularly so we can chat about ungrateful children and wine.

On to the pics...{click to view full size}

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