Sunday, May 01, 2011

{May 1, 2011}

I love a good pot roast, even though my daughter really can't stand the stuff. Because of her aversion I don't make it very often but when I do...yummmmm. Tonight's version was pretty good although the meat wasn't marbled enough so it wasn't as tasty as usual. I always add in some parsnips as it's the only vegetable in the pot we all agree on. Carrots and onions are added in for taste, although the kids and I eat those as well. As a side I make mashed potatoes, another big yummmmm in my house, and let out a little sigh of content whenever I take the first bite. nom nom nom.

Taken with my iPhone using the Lo-Mob app with the Photocard II filter applied.

On to the pic...{click to enlarge}

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