Tuesday, May 17, 2011

{May 17, 2011}

We have babies!! Two at the moment, still waiting on the third to hatch. I was so excited to see the tiny pink,  covered in tufts of fluff, "newborns" moving around this morning that I had to contain my squeals for fear of scaring off the mom (or maybe it was the dad--I learned that both mom and dad take care of them and we have seen the pair in the yard together). I couldn't wait for the kids to get home so I could show them the babies. After the parent-in-charge had flown off for some food, we peered out the window and ooh'd and aah'd as if we were looking in to an actual nursery. {We embrace our weirdness around here.} I decided to chance getting a photo but since the parents have been diligent about tending to the nest, babies, and egg, I had to move quick to get this shot. I plan to take a photo of them every day until they fledge and will use each one as my Photo of the Day so you can enjoy them as well. Side note, if you look right above the far right area of the egg you can see one of the babies eyes. Awwwwww!

Any ideas for names?

On to the pic...{click to view full size}

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