Tuesday, May 10, 2011

{May 10, 2011}

Today is Miss Lexi's 8th birthday! She's been sung to and spoiled pretty much all day...and man is she loving it. Not only did she get bits of scrap food here and there (something we don't do often to keep their tummies normal), but she also indulged in one of her favorite things--sugar snap peas. Both of our dogs go nuts for the outer shells and end pieces, so while I scrape out the peas for me, I pass along the rest to the dogs. Their tails could hardly contain their joy as they chowed down. Tonight Lexi will get some chicken "jerky" to cap off a love and food-filled day. Needless to say, she's had a very good birthday!

Taken with my iPhone using the Instagram app with the Earlybird filter applied.

On to the pic...{click to enlarge}

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