Sunday, May 15, 2011

{May 15, 2011}

Yes, yes...I know...I took this yesterday. But come can you resist that face (and also it's been raining like mad here so I'm stuck indoors)? Okay, maybe if you're not as in to sheep as I am you can. I can't, however, so you're stuck with another sheep photo. This breed of sheep (Tunisians) are my favorite breed--in so far as I know without 1.) ever having truly spent a lot of time around them, and 2.) not having a lot of knowledge on the various sheep breeds. Still, I get all giddy when I come to the "Tunis" and will linger the longest at their pen while I dream of having a flock grazing in a pasture by my house. What? You don't do that? You should, it will make you smile. ;o) I promise this is the last sheep picture I'll post for awhile. And by awhile I mean at least a couple of days.

Taken with my iPhone and edited with the Photoshop app.

On to the pic...{click to view full size}

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