Sunday, February 06, 2011

{February 6, 2011}

Today I made French bread from scratch for the very first time ever. I used this recipe: French Bread, Hoagies, & Buns which was very easy. Problem is, I think it probably needed to cook another 2-3 minutes despite me already adding a few minutes to the called for 18-20 mins. I also learned that putting fresh-from-the-oven bread on to a cutting board just steams the heck out of the bottom making it a bit sticky. Once I realized this I put a cooling rack in between the bread and the cutting board allowing the bottom to dry back out. Still, although the inside was done, there were a couple of places that definitely could have used a bit more cooking time. Flavor was good, although the crust was not crispy enough, but hopefully the next time I make it it will turn out much better. To accompany the bread (and the reason I made it in the first place) I served up one of our favorite main dishes: Spicy Shrimp. Bellies now full we're back to watching the Superbowl. Ian is cheering on his team, the Green Bay Packers, while neither Ryan nor I could care less who wins. At least it's far less stress-inducing than last year's was for Ryan. Lord only knows when the Dolphins will get back to the 'Bowl. I'd be happy if they made it to the playoffs next year.

Photo taken with the Instagram app with the Hefe filter applied.

On to the pic...{click to view full size}


stormaimee said...

Hey Laurie, I've been cooking all day myself.Your looks great.Just wanted to tell you I feel you.I'm a lifelong Dolphins fan also. I can still remember watching the only superbowl Dan ever got to(against the 49ers) with my ere;s always next year. :)

stormaimee said...

Oh yeah, It's me your cousin Kristina

~Laura~ said...

Isn't it so sad he never got his ring?! :o( Every time they played at Indy (when we lived in Lafayette), I'd beg Ryan to go. But by then Marino was missing most of the games as it were, so there was no way to know if we'd even see him play. To this day I regret not at least TRYING. Sigh...