The Three Musketeers...otherwise known as Tonks (the dark one in the back), Remus, and Romulus. They are all Red Wyandottes, although Tonks is a Black Laced and Remus and Romulus are both Blue Laced. We got them, along with Luna (a Blue Splash Red Wyandotte) when they were just tiny chicks and were hoping that we'd have at least 2-3 girls. Instead we got three boys and one girl. Naturally. Of course the boys are gorgeous, and thus far, very sweet. But that all could change soon as their hormones take over and nature tells them to mate like crazy and defend against any threat...real or imagined. So that means I'm now trying to find a home, or homes, for either both Remus and Romulus (plus our Partridge Silkie, Miele) or just one of the boys. If I had my way I'd get a few more Blue Laced Red Wyandotte hens and breed them as they are always high in demand and both beautiful and docile. We'll see how things work out. For now I'm enjoying the handsome boys strutting around the run, practicing their crows--at least we think they are (haven't caught them in the act yet) and looking for someone who will enjoy them as much as we have.
On to the pic...{click to view full size}
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
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