Saturday, January 08, 2011

{January 8, 2011}

Imagine Ian's surprise last night, as he went to put the chickens up and check for eggs, only to find this beauty! Turns out our "Easter Egger" chicken named Lily is finally laying...and what a beautiful egg it is! Easter Eggers (or EE's as they're called) can lay either blue, green, or a pinkish colored egg, however you won't know what color you'll get until the day finally comes. And no, they don't switch colors along the way (but wouldn't THAT be cool!). I was really hoping for a nice blue or even blue-green egg as I plan to get Welsummer chickens down the road. Welsummers lay a deep chocolate egg that would contrast nicely with a blue/blue-green egg. Seriously, I love color and the mere thought of having a carton full of chocolate brown and blue eggs makes my day. Yes, I know that's weird but what can I say? Plus, I think they'd make excellent gifts for people as well. It's not everyday you can get blue, green, pink, and/or chocolate colored eggs. I will admit that I had a very difficult time getting the color right in this picture, and truth be told it's still a bit off for my color-calibrated monitor. Lily's egg (on my screen) looks more blue when it's actually a bit more green that what I'm seeing. Still, it's a fairly close representation and will have to do for now. Yay Lily!

On to the pic...{click to view full size}


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