Monday, January 24, 2011

{January 24, 2011}

I snapped this photo of my iPhone before Megan and I headed down to wait for the bus. It's a crappy picture but I wanted to document just how insanely cold it was. We waited almost 20 minutes for the bus (that never showed up) in weather that was even more freezing than what the screen shows (wind chill brought it down another -10 degrees). I later learned that many buses were having issues with their fuel gelling and on our way to Megan's school we saw a bus in the break down lane. While it was no fun standing outside in this weather, I am so grateful I work from home as I was able to drive Megan to school myself. I can honestly say that I hope I never, ever, see another negative degree day like today...but I have a feeling I will.

On to the pic...{click to view full size}

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